3 Fun Vocabulary Activities to Help Your Toddler Learn

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Parents tend to naturally foster language development through everyday moments of talking, singing, and reading to children. At daycare, children are often exposed to even more opportunity for learning language.

Here are a few fun vocabulary activities you can do with your infants and toddlers to help jumpstart language learning:

1. Word Expansion

When children start using language, it is usually in one or two word sentences, such as “Cup.” In order to build upon their language skills, respond to early attempts at talking with encouragement, smiles, nodding, and an expanded response. For example, “Is that your cup?” “Do you want a drink?”

2. Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes and lullabies have been a part of parenting culture for hundreds of years. Young children love the rhythm of language and find comfort and interest in simple songs such as “Itsy, Bitsy Spider” or “The Wheels on the Bus.”

Incorporating these nursery rhymes at bath time, in the car, or other quiet moments will help build vocabulary and introduce children to patterns in language.

3. Look and Label

Once children begin to speak, they often what to know the word for everything in their world. They might point at something and look to you for an answer.

This activity helps build their vocabulary by labeling things in their environment that gains their interest, e.g., cat, flower, bird, door, etc.

Language Learning for Young Children

As your children gain experience and get older, there are more fun games to be played that can boost their language development, but these simple activities are great for just starting out.

Speech and language development is different for every child. Some children are active talkers and develop a large vocabulary quickly. Others may gain oral (expressive) language more slowly.

In general, most children understand more than they’re able to say (receptive). With these language games and activities, you can help your child’s language develop.

Kids & Company offers so much more than the typical Orlando daycare. Free hot meals, after school care until 7pm, and we even have the option for Saturday and night care at our Curry Ford location. If you have any questions about our programs, including infant care, childcare, VPK, or after school programs give us a call at (407) 227-1015.

Staff 5/30/2018

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